This article has 225 words.

Setup spam filter

Experience shows that the best strategy for an effective phishing attack is to send a large number of messages in a short period of time. This prevents employees from telling one another: “listen, watch out for message X”. They will rely on themselves and their sense of cyber security. In addition, you have to keep in mind that the mail server may not be happy that for a whole week someone sent more than 5,000 emails from one domain with almost the same content.

Thus, there are two independent reasons to modify SPAM handling in such a way that koal campaigns are prioritized. The administrator, depending on which mail server he uses and how he builds the rules, has two options for solving this problem:

  1. adding IPs as trusted, whatever will not be sent from them (recommended)
  2. adding domains from which dispatch will be carried out

Adresy IP

Currently there are two IPv4 addresses:

See your mail server vendor for more instructions. To save time:


We support the following domains:

See your mail server vendor for more instructions. To save time: